Our Team

Bridget Milet

President & CEO

Bridget Milet has over 10 years of business, operations and sales management background. Specializing in the small business market within the insurance and technologically industries where she led two companies into successful M&A. Now she is positioning Aplaz Group, Inc., towards the micro-business market that is oriented with a high growth potential, with over 27 million potential clients in the US. Prior to founding Aplaz Group, Inc., Ms. Milet worked as a product analyst and VP Sales at Strategic Business Solutions, a small business consulting company focused on helping small business owners reduce the burden of employment!

Anbuselvan Periannan

Mentor & Fullstack Developer

20+ Years, building, managing and working with passion driven technology teams. Leading the design and developing scalable/customizable internet based software solutions, windows desktop clients and mobile applications; very passionate about UI design, reusable components development and integration; building middle-tier, web services and backend systems, APIs and payment gateways integration; create pixel perfect rich looking UI/UX for web, desktop and mobile applications.
